
A self-hosted full-tunnel vpn server with secured private intranet of services likes file, source code, and media servers.

About This Repo

This repo installs an OpenVPN server and a collection of private services only accessible while you are connected to the VPN server.

Services Included

embaNET-intranet-openvpn -

embaNET-intranet-welcome -
embaNET-intranet-openvpn-iam -
embaNET-intranet-calendar -
embaNET-intranet-nfs -
embaNET-intranet-database -
embaNET-intranet-phpmyadmin -
embaNET-intranet-gitea -
embaNET-intranet-sian -
embaNET-intranet-urus -
embaNET-intranet-emby -
embaNET-intranet-apis -
embaNET-intranet-apis-docs -
embaNET-intranet-todo -
embaNET-intranet-workspace -
embaNET-intranet-wordpress -

Read The Setup Guids

Installation is pretty straight forward.

You can find the documentation in the docs/ folder in additi

Configuring Cloud VPS Server w/ VPN + Intranet (Intruction Guide)

Configuring Local Ubuntu Workstation w/ VPN Client (Instruction Guide)